Over the years Mastech has seen winds of change. Progressive change in leadership, change in our diversified employee base, our value proposition, our growth strategies, etc. We recently underwent a brand makeover to reflect our journey of digital transformation. But one thing remains constant. Our familial bonding with our employees – present and past. Each one of you associated with us, at different times, have contributed to what Mastech is today, and what it will become in years to come.
It’s the company that makes all the difference, and we have loved yours. We are happy to launch Club Mastech, a one-of-its-kind forum that connects all our employees, past and present. Club Mastech will allow all of us to know what the company is up to, reconnect with old friends and relive some amazing memories. With the heights, you have reached in your careers, you may identify potential business networking opportunities too, as part of this network; and if our changing business course interests you again, it will be a pleasure to have you back!
Under the patronage of Ashok Trivedi and Sunil Wadhwani, Mastech’s Cofounders and Cochairmen, we at Club Mastech are pleased to welcome Mr. Gerhard Watzinger as the President of the club. His experience as one of the early contributors to the success of the company, adds immense value to the objectives of Club Mastech.
Your association with Club Mastech begins by filling a simple form. You will hear from us soon after that!
Once again, we are mighty pleased to connect with you again.
Welcome to Club Mastech!